Hi, my name is Rafal Jaroszewicz
I'm a Web Developer

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About me

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I'm a Ruby on Rails developer. Currently I study Computer Science, and I'm on my way to become a Full-Stack Web Developer.

I work with web applications everyday and I believe that with code, we can change the world. I always pay attention to details and I know it will help me during my Web Development career.

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Face Recognition App

My latest project that utilizes free API from Clarifai that is used to recognize a face from any picture you upload. It's built in react and it features database based leadboard, simple client-side routing and login/register functionality. Create a dummy account and see for yourself.(Please note that it may take a few seconds for the initial page loading as it's hosted on free heroku hosting)

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Simple app built with react to learn state and other functionalities, it has a live search and is fetching data from external source.

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App built with laravel for school project, includes database integration, routing and a bit of Vue js scaffolding.

Source Code

To-do app

App built with angular to test the framework and see how I like it. It's certainly good for big projects, but not a small one like this simple app.

Source Code

Coming soon

I'm currently working on a CRM app built with react to help my friend manage his real estate business.


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